On 17/01/2008, David C. Rankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ken Schneider wrote:

>         No, this is just another of my anal retentive moments where I can't
> understand why my machine wants to ssh out to the world as
> mail.3111skyline.com. It's another of my inquisitively stupid "Why?"
> questions. I mean, what logic on the box looks to bind dns and says, "I
> want to be known as mail today? Hell, why not nemesis.3111skyline.com,
> it real name? (Ur, Umm, the name of the box is probably at fault) I
> should have called the son-of-a-bitch accommodating.3111skyline.com and
> I wouldn't have to put up with this stuff.
>         I know it doesn't matter, but why?

It is simply a problem of incorrectly configured reverse DNS for the
domain. A lookup for yields mail.3111skyline.com. If mail
and nemesis are on machine as it seems to be I would also consider
using CNAME.

Marcin Floryan

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