On 17/01/2008, Sandy Drobic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > It is simply a problem of incorrectly configured reverse DNS for the
> > domain. A lookup for yields mail.3111skyline.com. If mail
> > and nemesis are on machine as it seems to be I would also consider
> > using CNAME.
> The remote client will log the DNS-Name of the reverse lookup as the client
> name. How the client announces itself to the world is dependent on the
> hostname that was configured on the box itself.

The hostname configured on the box does not have to be reflected in
what the DNS returns. It is down to the DNS configuration (which in
this case is another machine). Sometimes you can get DNS updated by,
say DHCP, but I do not think this is the case. It simple the DNS
configuration needing to be altered if the reverse DNS lookup result
is to be different.

Marcin Floryan

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