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The Friday 2008-01-18 at 11:14 +0800, Jonathan Ervine wrote:

Ha! How often do you do upgrades? I mean, not a fresh install? It does
take the weekend. The machine is up and running in 3..6 hours, but then
you are adjusting configs and solving problems the rest of the week.

It depends. Desktops/laptops with every release. As was stated, these aren't
really an issue anyway. Servers - not as frequently. But then for servers I
use SLES. Even so, I don't find that I need to adjust configs for the rest of
the week. I suppose if you count testing time into the 'time to upgrade' then
my upgrades might take a while.

Yep, I count that. And asking here, too ;-)

(Not forgetting making sure I have a last
known good backup, or at least a roll-back method)

Me too. Plus a spare partition with a working system.

I do upgrade, so I know...

Fair enough - everyone has a different experience. I also see from another
thread that you recompile your kernels which presumably adds to your
upgrade/tweaking/fixing time as well...


Right... but I don't do that day one. The compile alone can take 4 hours in this machine, considering I 'nice' it so I can continue with my things.

There is also the first YOU run, that also takes a longish time, there are so many patches. I don't do that from the DVD.

I consider about a week to have every thing running correctly, but of course the machine is running and usable from day one. The upgrade itself takes about 6 hours, maybe more, because it downloads things that aren't in the DVD from remote repositories; the adsl has an hiccup now and then, and Yast dutifully pops up asking whether I want to retry or skip... and as I don't sit that many hours waiting for it to finish, when I come back and see that pop up I get somewhat mad.

- -- Cheers,
       Carlos E. R.

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