On Sunday 20 January 2008 16:40:42 James Knott wrote:
> Stan Goodman wrote:
> > I have on the desktop some Java programs which are displayed as generic
> > icons. I have much better icons, or can make, much more intuitive icons
> > for these. How must I go about replacing one for the other?
> Open the properties for the icon.  You'll see the icon on the first
> tab.  Click on it, to choose another.

Someone else today said to MB2 (left-handed people don't talk about "right 
click") the existing icon to do this. But that leads to the properties of the 
underlying file, not of the icon. In the past few days I have been looking 
for ways to edit icons, but haven't found anything. Where are the properties 
of the icon?
> > What, if anything, must I do to convert Windows or OS/2 icons for use in
> > the Llinux desktop?
> IIRC, Linux uses PNG format for icons.  I don't know about others.  So,
> you'll have to convert to PNG, if Linux doesn't support what you've got.

No problem. Thank you.

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on
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