James Knott wrote:
Aaron Kulkis wrote:
David C. Rankin wrote:
Listmates, Sandy,

    Where do I tell postfix to deliver mail for a user to localhost
and deliver a copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED] It has to be easy, -- I hope.

Deliver it locally, and then use NFS so that both machines
can read the incoming mail spool.
And then set up a POP (Post Office Protocol) server, which
will coerce them into removing their messages from the
mail machine (advise them to set up their mail agent to use
the "remove mail from server" option).

Why not just imap?

Guys? Please have a look at the first quoted line. It was supposed to be "simple". Installing and maintaining additional unnecessary services, wenn one config line in an already running service is sufficient, seems horribly inefficient.


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