On Wednesday 23 January 2008 08:50:04 Sandy Drobic wrote:
> >>> Listmates, 
> >>>
> >>>     Where do I tell postfix to deliver mail for a user to localhost
> >>> and deliver a copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED] It has to be easy, -- I hope.
> Guys? Please have a look at the first quoted line. It was supposed to be
> "simple". Installing and maintaining additional unnecessary services, wenn
> one config line in an already running service is sufficient, seems horribly
> inefficient.

Check out /etc/aliases.  I have a server with a pseudo-user account 
called "articles" and a number of real users who want to receive mail 
addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The following line in /etc/aliases 
makes postfix deliver a copy of any message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to 
the addresses user and all users in the include file:

        articles: :include:/etc/articles.users,\articles

It isn't necessary to use the :include method. For example,

        joe:    [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED],\joe

would deliver one arriving message to two external addresses plus the local 
mailbox for joe.

Jim Cunning

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