Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> On 01/22/2008 08:59 AM, Jim Sabatke wrote:
>> I did not try Pascal's version.  I checked the files for gimp in yast
>> before deleting it and they go into the same places that ./configure
>> --prefix=/opt/gnome put them.  Of course, I would rather have an RPM
>> version.
>> For me, the EXIF data show up on my photo website, which is where I
>> noticed it was missing.  I don't think I'm going to go back and re-edit
>> the 100, or so, photos I've added before I noticed.
>> You can also see the EXIF data in ufraw, but only in later versions.
>> The 10.2 version is about 4 versions behind current and I don't believe
>> it has EXIF support.  I also hand compiled that one, which is no big
>> deal as I believe it only produces one lib file.
>> If you have ufraw available, then gimp will open raw files directly into
>> ufraw and "OK" will take that file into gimp with EXIF data intact.  It
>> then writes it to jpeg files, but again only with the newer version if
>> ufraw.
>> Hope this all makes sense.
> Well, I think I learned enough to be able to check.  I saw that some
> pictures had exif info, some did not.  So I took one that did, edited it
> in Gimp24, saved a cropped version, and the saved version also had exif
> info.  So IIANM, that should mean Pascal's version on Packman DOES
> support exif.  HTH.  BTW, I do have ufraw and ufraw-gimp also installed.

I removed my hand-made gimp and installed the packman version.
Everything seems to work fine on it.  I'll have to remember to d/l the
rpms in the future as yast picks up another, non-EXIF version first.

Thanks for the info,

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