On Friday 25 January 2008 15:08:57 Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Friday 2008-01-25 at 14:03 -0800, Jim Cunning wrote:
> > However, it may not be possible to copy his public key to the "'remote'
> > router with embedded" (linux?). Carlos didn't say what limited commands
> > were available, or whether it was even possible to copy files onto the
> > router.
> And that is true as well. There is no way I can send any file there; I
> can't even do an 'ls'. I can re-flash it with a new firmware, that's all,
> aside from the allowed configuration parameters. I know it is a linux
> thing by looking at the log and because nmap says so. But none of the
> commands are "shell" commands, it has its own restricted shell.
> I can't even change the default or admin user name! It is 1234. Worse, the
> default password is also 1234, and every body knows it, once they know the
> model name. But I have dissabled all type of remote administration except
> from the inside network.
Interesting. It might be possible to modify the firmware image before 
re-flashing the device, if it is a bootable disk image. For example, the 
IPcop router software is available as a bootable image that can be 
transferred to a flash card and booted on a diskless system.

What does "file <router flash image file>" show?

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