On Sat, 26 Jan 2008, Sampsa Riikonen wrote:-

>David commented that he had a similar problem with
>suse 10.2-3, but not with 10.1

My problem was with 10.1, and not 10.3. I can use 10.3 with ACPI enabled
and it has no problems. I can also use 10.1, if I have mains power and
have ACPI enabled, but only if I boot from grub installed by 10.3. If I
have a power loss and the system switches to battery only while I'm
using 10.1 with ACPI, the system hard-locks. With 10.3, this doesn't
happen, and I couldn't boot with grub installed by 10.1 with ACPI
enabled with or without mains power.

        David Bolt

Team Acorn: http://www.distributed.net/ OGR-P2 @ ~100Mnodes RC5-72 @ ~15Mkeys
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