On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Russ Fineman wrote:-

>I presently have openSUSE 10.2 installed on sdb1,2,3. I'm wanting to install
>openSUSE 11.0 on sdc1,2, 3. When I get into the installer and setup the
>partitions it still wants to use the swap partition on sdb1. How can I have
>separate swap partitions for each version or can I?

An easy way would be to start up the pre-existing openSUSE 10.2
installation and then use suspend to disc to shut down. This changes the
swap partition so that the kernel, and the installer, no longer
recognises it as a valid swap and will use/create another one.

I discovered this when trying to install the latest 11.0 alpha on a
system that I'd forgotten I'd suspended. Until I rebooted the old
installation and shut down properly, the installation system claimed
that what was the swap partition wasn't a valid one and offered to
delete one of my other partitions to create a new one.

The good news is that sharing swaps won't do any harm, unless you manage
to use suspend to disc in one installation and then reboot into the
other. That would require a deliberate act to get round the present
configuration, which should auto-start the suspended system on boot-up,
and so all bets are off.

        David Bolt

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