> This would essentially mean that XWork would have to support these two
> invocation types:
> /action/bar
> /foo/bar.action

I'm probably not explaining myself well. To me, these are both examples
of path based security, struts style.  Your second example with the jsp
was what I was considering role based security.

I'd like to propose the following approach as a potential solution.
Below are two examples of what modified actions.xml files (or whatever
xworks uses) might look like:

Let's assume for both these examples that a Filter is being used.  The
traditional Servlet controller doesn't support a /foo/xyzzy.jsp

Example 1:

    In this example, our Servlet filter is mapped to *.action so that a
    request to http://somesite.com/{context}/some.action invokes the 
    SomeAction while
    invokes AnotherAction.  The security role would be optional and
    also be specified inside the body of the <action> tag if the xwork
    to support multiple roles.

    <action name="com.indigoegg.SomeAction" alias="/some" role="xyz">
        <view name="input">/WEB-INF/views/some-input.jsp</view>
        <view name="success">/WEB-INF/views/some-success.jsp</view>
    <action name="com.indigoegg.AnotherAction" alias="another.some">
        <view name="input">/WEB-INF/views/another-input.jsp</view>
        <view name="success">/WEB-INF/views/another-success.jsp</view>

Example 2:

    In this example, our Servlet filter is mapped to *.jsp so that
    for /foo/xyzzy.jsp are intercepted by the filter.  A couple things 
    changed in our configuration.  The first is the addition of an 
    action-mapping section.  

    <action name="com.indigoegg.SomeAction" ref="some"/>
        <view name="input">/WEB-INF/views/some-input.jsp</view>

        <!-- apply security here -->

Example 3:

    This example combines both styles and maps to *.jsp.  In this case, 
    a request for /path.jsp would map to /WEB-INF/views/some-success.jsp
    whereas a request for /foo/xyzzy.jsp would be directed to

    <action name="com.indigoegg.Bar" alias="/path" ref="bar"/>
        <view name="success">/WEB-INF/views/some-success.jsp</view>
        <view name="input">/WEB-INF/views/some-input.jsp</view>

        <!-- apply security here -->

While I think the style in Example 2 is very flexible, it comes at the
cost of increased configuration file complexity.

Matt Ho
Indigo Egg, Inc.

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