Chris Nokleberg wrote:
Here's another way: define the roles that are allowed to access an action in xwork.xml, and create an interceptor that checks it. Then it can work exactly like how web.xml works, except it can do so for the case where an unsecure action calls a secure action too.
That is a lot of extra machinery where pinning the action would work
"A lot of extra machinery"?! You declare what roles may access it in xwork.xml. One could even provide defaults at the <package> level. How is that a lot of extra machinery?

Between skinning and support for declarative security, it seems
to me the latter is wanted by more people.
How do you know this?

BTW, if interceptors had at least an optional URL-mapping component, you
could do skinning via
   /* -> DefaultSkinInterceptor
   /bar/* -> BarSkinInterceptor
So one should write an interceptor for a skin? Isn't that a little too much extra machinery?

I find it strange how on one hand you argue against triggering
functionality based on URL-matching,
What argument are you talking about? AFAIK I haven't made any such argument.

but on the other hand argue for
that exactly through your skinning examples.
Not following. What in the skinning examples is triggering functionality based on URL-matching?


Rickard Öberg

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