On 3/17/08, Christophe Vandeplas <christo...@vandeplas.com> wrote:
>  I'll have a deeper look at your management patch, maybe I can find a
>  way to add the pkcs11-match principle in your code with almost no
>  extra complexity and redundant code.
>  Do you think it's worth the effort? Or better wait for the results and
>  feedback from the management part?

I think that what is missing for Windows user is a good OpenVPN GUI.
A simple tray icon with context menu that enable the user to
connect/disconnect/authenticate/select certificate/prompt for ok

Many Windows users expects this for a long time... And I know that implementing
such using .NET framework is easy... Some forms, socket and state machine.

This OpenVPN GUI can be extensible so it may call a plugin before user
so sysadmins can configure some of its behavior.

I think that if you wish to invest some efforts for Windows, I think
this is the place :)


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