Hello David,

> a) Mounting and un-mounting networked filesystems after the tunnel is up.
> Here I even implemented the --route-pre-down script hook, to unmount the
> filesystem before the tunnel is taken down.  Here's the config extract:

This need root rights?

> This client has a web server behind it which is available on the public
> internet via the openvpn server which got the public IP address.  To make
> sure the incoming public traffic is returned via the VPN tunnel and not
> the default gateway on the openvpn client, simple ip rules like the ones
> below are used in the route-up.sh

>   /sbin/ip rule add from ${ifconfig_local} table 132
>   /sbin/ip route add default via table 132

> And the route-down.sh takes care of deleting the rule.  This is to avoid
> errors and duplications if openvpn is restarted.  (And there are probably
> other ways to solve this as well, but this is one way)

Need root rights, too?

Maybe it's a good idea to have two type of scripts.
One that is controlled from the administrator and is executed with
admin/root privileges and the other that runs as the user.

> Plugins can be used on both server side and client side.  They can be
> used to extend the logging, or do other more advanced things which is
> easier and cleaner solved in a C program than using plenty of scripts.

In an enterprise setup I would think a plugin should be not modifable by the 
user (i.e. the
user should have no chance to load own modules).


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