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On 06/05/12 18:55, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
> Hello,
> Now, I also have the courage to ask one more question regarding
> build....
> We currently have: - auth-pam - defer - down-root - examples
> Distribution wise it will be best to allow admin to install plugins
> as own package which requires openvpn, allowing select specific
> plugins, while each has own release cycle and versioning.
> I already made the openvpn-plugin.h available in /usr/include, so 
> there is no real reason to keep the plugins in openvpn tree, as
> they can be complied using their own separate build system.
> for example, if we take RHEL, we can install the following to use
> the auth-pam plugin:
> openvpn openvpn-plugin-auth-pam
> To build plugin we need openvpn-devel.
> What do you say?

I am not quite sure I see the benefit of this.  Just let me first
explain why I find the current splits fine.

- - Splitting out windows build stuff made sense, as openvpn is buildable
  in a autotools capable environment and windows build is really
  something completely different - and this simplifies the OpenVPN code
  base and fixing issues in the build tool chain don't require releasing
  a completely new OpenVPN version.

- - Splitting out Windows TAP driver also made sense, as that's something
  which does not depend on OpenVPN and can be used by other applications
  as well as OpenVPN.  I think of it as a network driver.

- - easy-rsa also made sense, as that's not strictly OpenVPN connected
  and is an alternative to other CA management software.  It only
  provides a module which is needed in OpenVPN if you want PKI/TLS and
  don't have any other CA management system in place already.

The reason I don't see the benefit of splitting out the plug-ins as
much is that they all depend on OpenVPN.  You can not make much use of
these plug-ins without having OpenVPN.  But with Windows TAP driver
and easy-rsa, they can be completely used independently.

Another point is that the plug-ins we have in the source tree, is
officially supported plug-ins.  And especially auth-pam and down-root
are plug-ins which are very useful and we should encourage packagers
to always package those.

Then the example/ and defer/ plug-ins, which are examples.  Maybe it
would rather make sense to merge them somehow?

> BTW: next will be probably to split out the contrib... :)

I would say much of the same logic is valid here as well.  These are
contributed scripts which are useful only when being used in context
with OpenVPN.  And it's not a big maintenance burden having them in
the openvpn tree at all.  And if there are updates here, it's more
natural for me to ship these together with a new OpenVPN version too.

So, I'm in favour of keeping both plug-ins and contrib in the tree as
it is now.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
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