On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 2:24 AM, Arne Schwabe <a...@rfc2549.org> wrote:
>> I need a better description of the tun process... so far I did not
>> understand why you cannot use standard approach of creating persistent
>> tun with non root access and then use the iproute2 wrapper with suid
>> or sudo to setup its configuration.
>> Alon.
> I have no root access on the telephone. But Android 4.0 provides an API
> for VPNs
> (http://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/VpnService.html).
> Looking at my method at the method that opens the tun device to passed
> over managment socket might also give an idea how it is done in Android:
> http://code.google.com/p/ics-openvpn/source/browse/src/de/blinkt/openvpn/OpenVpnService.java#220
> Arne

I understand.

But... let's discuss another approach...

Implement android-ip program that uses the Android API, and put
"iproute2 android-ip" in configuration.

Now, the interface of the program is similar to what iproute is
receiving, but instead of netlink it does android API.

So actually you can receive requests from openvpn via this interface
without modifying openvpn...

Maybe I am missing something, please bear with me.


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