On 01/01/17 18:15, Selva Nair wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 10:49 AM, debbie10t <debbie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I applied this to 2.5 and used the build system to build windows
>> installer using windows-nsis/build-snapshot
>> I tested the windows client against Linux 2.4
>> The test was:
>> Connect to first server, receive DHCP 10.*8*.0.6 (net30)
>> Idle 10 mins / Transfer some data / disconnect
>> Edit the config file to connect to a new server
>> (This was an exact copy of first server on a new --port
>> and with a new --server subnet / PKI identical)
>> Connect to second server, receive DHCP 10.*9*.0.6 (net30)
>> Idle 10 mins / Transfer some data / disconnect
>> No problems encountered.
>> Note: I *was* able to replicate the original bug using
>> windows 10 / openvpn 2.4.0 and the same procedure as above.
> I am curious about this as I could not reproduce "the bug" with only one
> adapter except in a special case (see below)  -- the issue I described in
> Trac #807 was related to assigning a VPN ip to one adapter, disconnect and
> then try to assign the same to another adapter.

You are correct.

What I have in my tests is as follows:

Server Linux - Openvpn 2.4.0
Client Win10 - Openvpn 2.4.0

Server & client configs are essentially the default config files.

(Both clients are on the same W10 machine)
tap #1
client ip

tap #2
client ip

Connect both clients and get IP assigned to tap, ping tests OK.
Disconnect both clients, do *not* use --dhcp-release/renew

Change client-1.conf to connect to the port of server-2
Connect to server-2, receive+assign DHCP to TAP #1
This is where something goes wrong ..

> However, some reports in the user list and Trac #665 appears to have
> problems when changing the remote with one adapter. I can see dhcp failure
> in such a case only if the media status on the adapter is set to always
> connected. Is that the case in your tests?

#665 is related to 2.3.10/12/13 and while it maybe the same issue I
have not run any tests regarding #665


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