Brian J. Murrell wrote:

> It would be great to see this come to a conclusion as I have submitted a
> number of patches over the last few weeks which seem to have gone
> uncommitted.
> Like other submitters have pointed out, I'm left in the dark as to
> whether it's just a time issue or whether my patches are just unsuitable
> and unsure as to whether I should continue to submit patches or just
> continue to maintain my own local changes here on an ongoing basis.

It is a time issue, the whole spring has been extremely work intensive 
for the dev's - in other words, to few people to do to many tasks and to 
little time :/
The present release process is organized in such a way that the 
submitted patches should be 'worked-over' and that the submitters should 
get feedback.

I believe I've mentioned it before, this slow response is _not_ in any 
way a rejection or lack of interest. And I believe this discussion 
already has resulted in very good suggestions and solutions. So please, 
Brian J. Murrell keep sending your patches (and everyone else do the same).

> My patches certainly are not huge nor complicated, indeed.  But if they
> can save somebody else from duplicating my work, that is of course
> desirable.

I can only agree :)

PS. Would you like to maintain some of the package you have been 
submitting patches for?

Gregers Petersen
People-stuff, layer 8 and anthropology
glp on irc

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           |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
  KAMIKAZE (bleeding edge) -----------------------
   * 10 oz Vodka       Shake well with ice and strain
   * 10 oz Triple sec  mixture into 10 shot glasses.
   * 10 oz lime juice  Salute!

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