I could finally install everything onto my 4MB WRT54g v2.2.

Avoided ntpclient plus dependencies with the patch from #7316.
Added BusyBox's ether-wake to the build.
Put all kmods (2) I needed into the kernel.
This freed up enough JFFS2 space to normally install OpenVPN and a
web-interface (here webif).

Would be great if #7316 and its dependency #7312 could be committed to
trunk and backfire.
After this I would also update the ntpclient package to reduce flash mem
usage for it too,

Kind regards

Thanks Bastian for all the quick infos.

On 04.05.2010 16:27, Matthias Buecher / Germany wrote:
> Can I save space in the flash mem when I add all needed packages
> directly to the image?
> Or is the JFFS2 compression as good as the compression of the read-only
> squashfs?
> I'm also going to replace ntpclient with rdate.
> As the clock of the WRT54G is very inaccurate it will not be sufficient
> to update the clock every 24h when my provider restarts the connection.
> Will have to add a cron job for rdate.
> Maddes
> On 30.04.2010 22:23, Matthias Buecher / Germany wrote:
>> I wanted to upgrade my mom's WRT54G v2.2 from WR 0.9 to Backfire 10.03.
>> But during installation the flash space got full and OpenVPN couldn't be
>> installed.
>> First I built an image without luci, then all packages fit into the
>> flash mem.
>> But when installing webif I got the same "disk full" error for it.
>> Putting all needed kmods directly into the kernel didn't free enough space.
>> Then I checked the sizes and dependencies of the needed packages between
>> WR and Backfire.
>> It turned out that OpenVPN installation grew by 148KB, and that BF had
>> some more dependencies than WR.
>> What is the smallest version of Luci possible? (luci-admin-mini + ???)
>> Can OpenVPN be compiled to a smaller size?
>> Is there a reason why OpenVPN grew so much, besides being a newer version?
>> Is there a reason why OpenVPN needs zlib, besides being a newer version?
>> Any help greatly appreciated
>> Maddes
>> Here is the list of the packages I need, plus a size comparison between
>> WR 0.9 <-> Backfire.
>> iptables-mod-[conntrack-]extra   8603 ->  15081
>> kmod-ipt-[conntrack-]extra      14188 ->  10446
>> ntpclient                       11397 ->  17461
>>   librt                           n/a ->   1102
>> ddns-scripts (ez-ipudate)       26368 ->   6570
>> openvpn                        137843 -> 195446  (+58KB, 2.0.8 -> 2.1.1)
>>   kmod-tun                       4944 ->   4860
>>   libopenssl                   445303 -> 500879  (+55KB, 0.9.8d -> 0.9.8m)
>>   liblzo                        29113 ->  28782
>>   zlib                            n/a ->  35023  (+35KB)
>> sslh                              n/a ->   7333
>> etherwake (ether-wake)           4799 ->   6078
>> webif                          155712 -> 168862
>>   webif-theme-xwrt               3765 ->    n/a
>>   haserl                         8210 ->  12277
>>   uhttpd                (in busybox?) ->  22110
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