On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 08:12:13PM +0200, Gabor Juhos wrote:
> On the DIR-600-Ex, the 'mac' partition contains the board specific MAC 
> addresses
> at least, and it seems that there are other data as well. I guess that the
> original firmware uses this data to reinialize the nvram variables during
> factory reset. If that partition is erased, and someone wants to use the
> original software again, it will not be able to do a factory reset.

Thank you for the explanation.

> If you are rebuilding a kernel after a kernel configuration change, it will 
> use
> the modified configuration. However if the generic/platform specific kernel
> patches are modified, or some patches has been added/deleted those will not be
> used without a target/linux/clean.

This one is sort of nasty, I'm not one of those who gets upset when he
needs to attach a serial console, but it would still be nice to avoid,
as the majority of users is apparently not always ready for
that. Should I file a bug report?

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