> Yocto. If lede were to succeed in meeting its other goals, coherently,
> preserving "lede" and moving forward as a separate project does make
> sense.

I don't have a clear opinion either way, but I think there are several
points to take into account:
- OpenWRT indeed has a fair bit of positive name recognition, but mostly
  within a fairly small community.
- The OpenWRT name has downsides:
  - "Open" clearly hints at Open Source, whereas I'd personally
    appreciate a reference to Free Software.
  - "WRT" is inherited from the venerable wrt54g, whereas the project
    has grown past those "wrt" devices.
- While brands have value, you can change a name without losing all the
  brand recognition.  I'm thinking here of cases like XBMC->Kodi or

So maybe it's a good idea to use the (still hypothetical, but hopefully
close) merge to advertise a rename which will both aim to carry-over the
brand recognition at the same time as it sends the message that it's
something "new and better" (i.e. keep the good brand recognition and
try to shed the bad one).

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