On 03/16/2015 02:49 PM, Bård Skaflestad wrote:
> On 26/01/15 13:00, Jørgen Kvalsvik wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hi,
> Sorry about the delay.  I was just going through my old e-mail and
> noticed that I didn't see an answer to this question.  I'll provide one
> for the mailing list record, even it much time has passed since the
> question was posed. 
Thanks, appreciate it.

>> Can the Dirichlet and periodic facetypes alternate within the same
>> matrix, or are they mutually exclusive? If they are exclusive using a
>> vector of facevalues really doesn't make sense (nor does the switch).
> These face types can definitely appear within the same problem.  One
> typical case would be an upscaling problem that uses periodic pressure
> drop in one cardinal direction, for instance along the X axis, and a
> constant pressure drop in another cardinal direction--for instance along
> the Y axis.  That might be a strange configuration from an end-user
> application point of view, but it is nevertheless possible and we have
> to allow for the situation.
Ok, good to know. I might add this as a comment just for clarification.

>> The l2g values, are they contiguous?
> No, they are not.  Basically, L2G plays the role of the traditional
> local-to-global mapping degrees of freedom in implementations of finite
> element methods.  In other words
>     l2g[i]
> is the global identity of the i-th local degree of freedom.
Ok. I might add this as a comment too, as it is an underlying assumption
it is nice to have clear.

>> In the periodic case, will some indices be encountered twice?
> I'm not sure I understand the question.  All indices may, and typically
> will, be encountered multiple times in the assembly stage.
Ok, this is also a nice-to-know assumption, because it dictates how you
can assemble. The reason I asked is because I want to separate matrix
construction and assembly from matrix usage (seeing as they with
benefits can be considered two completely different structures), and I
only wanted to support direct, overwriting insertion. I broke the
problem down a bit further and now support both insertion (matrix[i][j]
= x) and accumulation (matrix[i][j] += x), in order to support the
construction phase as a "staging ground" for cell values. The fact that
some indices may be encountered more than once means that either this
must be pre-computed, essentially requiring a redundant assembly phase
or support partially completed values during assembly.

>  The
>> comments say a*(x0-x1) = a*(pd) etc with no reference to a, but implies
>> this should be computable with an assignment, not +=.
> That comment outlines the type of the linear equation, or rather,
> contribution, being assembled in the periodic case.  In this case, 'a'
> is a coefficient, 'x0', and 'x1', are degrees of freedom, and 'pd' is
> the prescribed periodic pressure drop.  We are specifically not talking
> about C++ implementation at that point.
Great. I might add something to clarify this as well.

>> Finally, and if this has a good answer then ignore the three questions
>> above: is there a better way to formulate this in terms of matrix
>> operations? Right now it is quite hands-on update-individual-cells, but
>> I would like a more math-oriented algorithm. e.g. in the case of
>> dirichlet it basically reduces to finding diagonal segments of the
>> SharedFortranMatrix and assigning them to (maybe contiguous) diagonals
>> in S_.
> Class IncompFlowSolverHybrid<> implements a fairly standard assembly of
> a system of simultaneous linear equations with contributions for each
> cell being sequentially added to the coefficient matrix and right hand
> sides.  The process is very much inspired by traditional finite-element
> software.  If there is a better approach, then I'd like to see it.

I might play around with a modified scheme if I find the time, but I
must first see how the IncompFlowSolverHybrid is called and how much
other code must be modified for it to work. Personally I would like to
break it up a little bit more - it feels slightly monolithic.

Thanks for your time and a great answer!

- Jørgen

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