
this debate has been going on for quite a while. It's multi-faceted,
which doesn't help coming to conclusions.

Maybe we can un-entangle one point: there are suggestions to either make
this Standards Track or Informational; and one wheteher the protocol
should be documented vs. improved.

Maybe there should be two (or more) drafts instead:

1) The TACACS+ Protocol as Deployed in 2016
   (Informational, *no changes*)

2-n) The New Feature X for TACACS+
   (possibly Standards Track, one document per bolt-on feature)

(one of the Xes being TLS encryption, but I'm sure there are more)

Those voices on the list who demanded documentation can then happily
accept Informational; the documentation is done either way. Those who
opposed Standards Track for the durrent draft because it's about a
protocol coming in from outside IETF can now go silent, because
Informational addresses their concern.

Those who demand new features can then put all their energy into a
proper, per-feature argument with all those arguments collated in a
per-topic document. Those who opposed the current draft for Standards
Track can continue to oppose those new documents; this time in a focused
discussion with less broadsides fired.

If you can follow my line of thinking to this point, let's take it even
one step further: we are now discussing a larger effort, involving
multiple RFCs, taking an existing technology to a level it wasn't
before. This is usually much rather a job for a working group in its own
right, with a charter detailing which work happens when; not a job for a
one-shot effort in the opsawg.

So my ultimate suggestion would be: have a BoF at IETF95, try to form a
working group, work on all issues that were brought up individually.

(FWIW, this is exactly how RADIUS came to be... from an undocumented
proprietary protcol to a successful IETF one. And guess what, even we
had lengthy discussions about TLS encryption; debating is simply part of
the culture)


Stefan Winter

Ingenieur de Recherche
Fondation RESTENA - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et
de la Recherche
2, avenue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

Tel: +352 424409 1
Fax: +352 422473

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