On 5/16/17, 11:35 AM, "OPSAWG on behalf of Ignas Bagdonas" 
<opsawg-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of ibagdona.i...@gmail.com> wrote:

    No-one has seen the -07 revision yet, therefore it seems to be too early 
    to make judgement whether comments and suggestions were or were not 

I don’t think you got the point. Which was:

Upon receiving the review (especially if it was posted to the mailing list) the 
authors are supposed to reply to that mailing list with something like:

“In response to the comment <X> we are changing the text in the document to say 

If it is done at the time (or after the time) when the edits are applied, then 
adding “page #, section #, paragraph” to the above.

Or “We decided not to make a change requested by the comment <X> because of <Y>”

It should not be a matter of “judgment” – the authors have to explicitly 
provide that info. Then the WG can discuss and/or decide if the proposed 
changes adequately address the comments.

What is so difficult about this?

    Authors have promised to address the raised comments 
    discussing them on the list and responding to previous reviews.

I’m waiting for emails like this to stop appearing, and emails addressing the 
above to start appearing.

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