On Jul 14, 2018, at 12:57 AM, Douglas Gash (dcmgash) <dcmg...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Dear Alan,
> Do the changes below clarify the intent sufficiently? (please find diff 
> below) The changes are mainly in first section with a few tweaks in later 
> sections.

  Let's see...

> 9.5 Deployment Best Practices
> With respect to the observations about the security issues described above, a 
> network administrator MUST NOT rely on the obfuscation of the TACACS+ 
> protocol and TACACS+ MUST be deployed over networks which ensure privacy and 
> integrity of the communication. TACACS+ MUST be used within a secure 
> deployment.  Failure to do so may impact overall network security.

  Again "may" is simply not true.  It WILL impact network security.

> The following recommendations impose restrictions on how the protocol is 
> applied. 
> The document identifies two constituencies: implementors of TACACS+ 
> components (servers and clients), and administrators of TACACS+ deployments 
> in the field. The document assumes that it will only be read by the 
> implementors.

  That's a problem.  As I've been saying for a while now, in many messages, the 
document must give guidance for people implementing *and* deploying the 

> Mandatory actions are therefore assigned to implementors to either deprecate 
> insecure features or to steer the administrators to the practices they should 
> adopt by defaulting to the recommended options and warning when the 
> restrictions are not adopted.

  That sentence follows from the previous mistake.  It's also wrong.

  It's sufficient to just say "implementors must/should do A, B, and C.  
Deployments must/should do D, E, and F".

  It's not necessary to describe what the specification is for, or how 
specifications are written.

> Some of the specific requirements mandated for TACACS+ servers and TACACS+ 
> clients may not be present in currently deployed implementations. New 
> implementations, and upgrades of current implementations, MUST implement the 
> recommendations.
> 9.5.1 Server Side Connections
> TACACS+ server implementations MUST allow the definition of individual 
> clients, and the servers MUST only accept network connection attempts from 
> these defined, known clients.

  There's no need to keep saying "server implementations".  The requirement is 
on servers, and it's sufficient to say that.

*TACACS+ servers MUST allow... *

> If an invalid shared secret is detected on a connection, TACACS+ server 
> implementations MUST NOT accept any new sessions on that connection. TACACS+ 
> servers MUST terminate the connection on completion of any sessions that were 
> previously established with a valid shared secret on that connection.
> When a client secret is defined, TACACS+ Server implementations MUST not use 
> the TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG option when processing connections from that 
> client.

  What does it mean to "use" that flag?  And what about "processing 
connections"?  This is all vague and non-technical.

  These are issues I've commented on for a *long* time now.  I would have hoped 
for progress here.  A better phrasing is:

*When a client secret is defined, TACACS+ servers MUST NOT accept connections 
from that client which have the TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG option set.*

  How do they do that?  It doesn't matter.  The spec requires security, and 
it's up to whomever (implementation or deployment) to make that happen.

> 9.5.2 Shared Secrets
> TACACS+ Server and client implementations MUST treat secrets as sensitive 
> data to be managed securely.
> TACACS+ Server implementations MUST allow a dedicated secret key to be 
> defined for each client, and the servers SHOULD warn administrators if secret 
> keys are not unique per client.
> TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD always define a secret for 
> each client.
> TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD use secret keys of minimum 16 
> characters length.
> TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD change secret keys at regular 
> intervals.

  That's all good.  It's OK to talk specifically about implementation and 
deployments when the requirements are on implementation internals, or on 
managing a deployment.

> 9.5.3 Authentication
> TACACS+ server implementations MUST allow the administrator to mandate that 
> only challenge/response options will be accepted for authentication 
> TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_MSCHAPV2 for authen_type).

  NIT: I would sat "allow the administrator to configure that"

  Again, "mandate" is philosophical.  Administrators "configure" 
implementations.  They don't "mandate" implementations.

> TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD use

  "configure".  Not "use".  I "use" a pencil.  I "configure" an implementation.

  TBH, you should audit the document for instances of "use", and replace them 
with something more appropriate.

> the option mentioned in the previous paragraph. TACACS+ Server deployments 
> SHOULD ONLY use other options (such as TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_ASCII or 
> TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_PAP) when unavoidable due to requirements of 
> identity/password systems.
> the original draft SHOULD not be used,

  That's one instance where "used" is appropriate.

> due to their security implications. TACACS+ server implementations SHOULD 
> deprecate them, if they are not deprecated, the implementations MUST default 
> to the options being disabled and MUST warn the user of their security impact 
> if they are enabled.

  That's good.

> 9.5.4 Authorization
> The authorization and accounting features are intended to provide 
> extensibility and flexibility. There is a base dictionary defined in this 
> document, but is may be extended in deployments by using new attribute names. 
> The cost of the flexibility is that administrators and implementors MUST 
> ensure that the attribute and value pairs shared between the clients and 
> servers have consistent interpretation. 

  And how is that done?  The appropriate IETF answer here is "run away 
screaming".  :(

  i.e. not a subject you want to touch in this draft.

> If a client implementation receives receiving a mandatory authorization 
> attribute that its implementation does not define, then it SHOULD behave as 
> if it had received TAC_PLUS_AUTHOR_STATUS_FAIL.

  I'm wary of the word "behave" here.  It seems philosophical again.  I can't 
offer much better here tho.

> TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD mandate that TACACS+ 
> authentication was used when processing authorization requests (i.e. 
> authen_method value is set to TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_METH_TACACSPLUS).

  Again, "mandate".

  Why not "administrators SHOULD configure TACACS+ authentication for 
processing authorization requests..."

> 9.5.5 Redirection Mechanism
> The original draft described a redirection mechanism 
> (TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_STATUS_FOLLOW). This feature is difficult to secure. The the 
> option to send secret keys in the server list is particularly problematic.

  nit: "the the".

  And why is it problematic?  Perhaps "insecure", with an explanation as to why.

> TACACS+ server implementations SHOULD deprecate the redirection mechanism.

  "implementations" is fine here.  Perhaps also "SHOULD deprecate the 
redirection mechanism, and disable it by default."

> TACACS+ server implementations MUST warn deployment administrators of the 
> security implications if the option to send the secret keys in the server 
> list is configured.

  Security implications which are...?  The draft doesn't say.

  Perhaps just "MUST warn administrators that the option is insecure and should 
only be used inside of a trusted environment"

> TACACS+ client implementations SHOULD deprecate this feature by treating 

  Alan DeKok.

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