Apologies for the interruption in the conversation.

Attached should incorporate yours and Alan’s latest comments, and some client 
side comments have been addressed.

Please find attached.

Many thanks.

On 16/07/2018, 6:56, "Douglas Gash (dcmgash)" <dcmg...@cisco.com> wrote:

    Hi Joe,
    Thanks Joe, all useful comments. I believe that most of them were caught in 
the previous upload (in which we responded to Alan’s last mail), I will make 
sure that any missing are in the next.
    On 16/07/2018, 0:20, "Joe Clarke" <jclarke=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
        On 7/14/18 00:57, Douglas Gash (dcmgash) wrote:
        > 9.5 Deployment Best Practices
        > With respect to the observations about the security issues described 
above, a network administrator MUST NOT rely on the obfuscation of the TACACS+ 
protocol and TACACS+ MUST be deployed over networks which ensure privacy and 
integrity of the communication. TACACS+ MUST be used within a secure 
deployment.  Failure to do so may impact overall network security.
        Agree with Alan that failure to deploy T+ securely _will_ impact overall
        network security.
        > The following recommendations impose restrictions on how the protocol 
is applied. 
        > The document identifies two constituencies: implementors of TACACS+ 
components (servers and clients), and administrators of TACACS+ deployments in 
the field. The document assumes that it will only be read by the implementors. 
Mandatory actions are therefore assigned to implementors to either deprecate 
insecure features or to steer the administrators to the practices they should 
adopt by defaulting to the recommended options and warning when the 
restrictions are not adopted.
        I assume that administrators _will_ read this document.  Why wouldn't
        they if it has guidance that will help them make their T+ deployments
        more secure?
        My comment is I would remove that sentence, as well as the "therefore"
        in the sentence after it.
        > Some of the specific requirements mandated for TACACS+ servers and 
TACACS+ clients may not be present in currently deployed implementations. New 
implementations, and upgrades of current implementations, MUST implement the 
        > 9.5.1 Server Side Connections
        > TACACS+ server implementations MUST allow the definition of 
individual clients, and the servers MUST only accept network connection 
attempts from these defined, known clients.
        > If an invalid shared secret is detected on a connection, TACACS+ 
server implementations MUST NOT accept any new sessions on that connection. 
TACACS+ servers MUST terminate the connection on completion of any sessions 
that were previously established with a valid shared secret on that connection.
        > When a client secret is defined, TACACS+ Server implementations MUST 
not use the TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG option when processing connections from 
that client.
        > 9.5.2 Shared Secrets
        > TACACS+ Server and client implementations MUST treat secrets as 
sensitive data to be managed securely.
        > TACACS+ Server implementations MUST allow a dedicated secret key to 
be defined for each client, and the servers SHOULD warn administrators if 
secret keys are not unique per client.
        > TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD always define a 
secret for each client.
        > TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD use secret keys of 
minimum 16 characters length.
        > TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD change secret keys at 
regular intervals.
        I'm not sure you need to keep saying, "server deployment
        administrators".  Seems like "server administrators" is clear enough.
        > 9.5.3 Authentication
        > TACACS+ server implementations MUST allow the administrator to 
mandate that only challenge/response options will be accepted for 
        > TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD use the option 
mentioned in the previous paragraph. TACACS+ Server deployments SHOULD ONLY use 
when unavoidable due to requirements of identity/password systems.
mentioned in the original draft SHOULD not be used, due to their security 
implications. TACACS+ server implementations SHOULD deprecate them, if they are 
not deprecated, the implementations MUST default to the options being disabled 
and MUST warn the user of their security impact if they are enabled.
        > 9.5.4 Authorization
        > The authorization and accounting features are intended to provide 
extensibility and flexibility. There is a base dictionary defined in this 
document, but is may be extended in deployments by using new attribute names. 
The cost of the flexibility is that administrators and implementors MUST ensure 
that the attribute and value pairs shared between the clients and servers have 
consistent interpretation. 
        > If a client implementation receives receiving a mandatory 
authorization attribute that its implementation does not define, then it SHOULD 
behave as if it had received TAC_PLUS_AUTHOR_STATUS_FAIL.
        Receives receiving?  That should be reworded.
        > TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD mandate that TACACS+ 
authentication was used when processing authorization requests (i.e. 
authen_method value is set to TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_METH_TACACSPLUS).
        > 9.5.5 Redirection Mechanism
        > The original draft described a redirection mechanism 
(TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_STATUS_FOLLOW). This feature is difficult to secure. The the 
option to send secret keys in the server list is particularly problematic.
        You have "The the".  Remove the second "the".

9.5 Deployment Best Practices

With respect to the observations about the security issues described above, 
aÊnetwork administrator MUST NOT rely on the obfuscation of the TACACS+ 
protocol andÊTACACS+ MUST be deployed over networks which ensure privacy and 
integrity of the communication.ÊTACACS+ MUST be used within a secure 
deployment.Ê Failure to do so will impact overall network security.

The following recommendations impose restrictions on how the protocol is 
applied. These restrictions were not imposed in the original draft. New 
implementations, and upgrades of current implementations, MUST implement these 

9.5.2 Shared Secrets

TACACS+ servers and clients MUST treat shared secrets as sensitive data to be 
managed securely, as would be expected for passwords, hashes, etc. TACACS+ 
servers MUST not leak sensitive info (for example, expose shared secrets in 

TACACS+ servers MUST allow a dedicated secret key to be defined for each 

TACACS+ servers SHOULD warn administrators if secret keys are not unique per 

TACACS+ server administrators SHOULD always define a secret for each client.

TACACS+ servers and clients MUST support shared keys that are at least 32 
characters long. 

TACACS+ clients SHOULD NOT allow servers to be configured without shared secret 
key, or shared key that is less than 16 characters long.

TACACS+ server administrators SHOULD configure secret keys of minimum 16 
characters length.

TACACS+ server administrators SHOULD change secret keys at regular intervals.

9.5.3 Connections

TACACS+ servers MUST allow the definition of individual clients. The servers 
MUST only accept network connection attempts from these defined, known clients.

TACACS+ servers MUST reject connections with TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG set, 
when there is a shared secret set on the server for the client requesting the 

If an invalid shared secret is detected when processing packets for a client, 
TACACS+ servers MUST NOT accept any new sessions on that connection. TACACS+ 
servers MUST terminate the connection on completion of any sessions that were 
previously established with a valid shared secret on that connection.

TACACS+ clients MUST NOT set TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG when a secret is 
defined. Clients MUST be implemented in a way that requires explicit 
configuration to enable the use of TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG.

In the following cases:
 - Packet received from the server configured with shared key, but with 
 - Packet received from the server configured not to use obfuscation but with 
TACACS+ clients MUST close TCP session, stop all further processing of the 
packet data and process the response in the same way that a 
TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_STATUS_FAIL (authentication sessions) or 
TAC_PLUS_AUTHOR_STATUS_FAIL (authorization sessions) was received 

9.5.4 Authentication

TACACS+ servers MUST allow the administrator to configure the server to only 
accept challenge/response options for authentication (TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_CHAP 

TACACS+ server administrators SHOULD enable the option mentioned in the 
previous paragraph. TACACS+ Server deployments SHOULD ONLY enable other options 
unavoidable due to requirements of identity/password systems.

TACACS+ server administrators MUST NOT allow the same credentials to be applied 
TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_MSCHAPV2) and non challenge-based authen_type options as 
the insecurity of the latter will compromise the security of the former.

original draft SHOULD not be used, due to their security implications. TACACS+ 
servers SHOULD NOT implement them. If they must be implemented, the servers 
MUST default to the options being disabled and MUST warn the administrator that 
these options are not secure.

9.5.4 Authorizatio

The authorization and accounting features are intended to provide extensibility 
and flexibility. There is a base dictionary defined in this document, but it 
may be extended in deployments by using new attribute names. The cost of the 
flexibility is that administrators and implementors MUST ensure that the 
attribute and value pairs shared between the clients and servers have 
consistent interpretation. 

TACACS+ clients that receive an unrecognised mandatory attribute MUST evaluate 
server response as if they received TAC_PLUS_AUTHOR_STATUS_FAIL.

9.5.5 Redirection Mechanism

The original draft described a redirection mechanism 
(TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_STATUS_FOLLOW). This feature is difficult to secure. The 
option to send secret keys in the server list is particularly insecure, as it 
can reveal client shared secrets.

TACACS+ servers SHOULD deprecate the redirection mechanism.

If the redirection mechanism is implemented then TACACS+ servers MUST disable 
it by default, and MUST warn TACACS+ server administrators that it must only be 
enabled within a secure deployment due to the risks of revealing shared secrets.

TACACS+ clients SHOULD deprecate this feature by treating 


diff RecommendationsPrev1.txt Recommendations.txt
< With respect to the observations about the security issues described above, 
a?network administrator MUST NOT rely on the obfuscation of the TACACS+ 
protocol and?TACACS+ MUST be deployed over networks which ensure privacy and 
integrity of the communication.?TACACS+ MUST be used within a secure 
deployment.? Failure to do so may impact overall network security.
> With respect to the observations about the security issues described above, 
> a?network administrator MUST NOT rely on the obfuscation of the TACACS+ 
> protocol and?TACACS+ MUST be deployed over networks which ensure privacy and 
> integrity of the communication.?TACACS+ MUST be used within a secure 
> deployment.? Failure to do so will impact overall network security.
< The following recommendations impose restrictions on how the protocol is 
> The following recommendations impose restrictions on how the protocol is 
> applied. These restrictions were not imposed in the original draft. New 
> implementations, and upgrades of current implementations, MUST implement 
> these recommendations.
< The document identifies two constituencies: implementors of TACACS+ 
components (servers and clients), and administrators of TACACS+ deployments in 
the field. The document assumes that it will only be read by the implementors. 
Mandatory actions are therefore assigned to implementors to either deprecate 
insecure features or to steer the administrators to the practices they should 
adopt by defaulting to the recommended options and warning when the 
restrictions are not adopted.
> 9.5.2 Shared Secrets
< Some of the specific requirements mandated for TACACS+ servers and TACACS+ 
clients may not be present in currently deployed implementations. New 
implementations, and upgrades of current implementations, MUST implement the 
> TACACS+ servers and clients MUST treat shared secrets as sensitive data to be 
> managed securely, as would be expected for passwords, hashes, etc. TACACS+ 
> servers MUST not leak sensitive info (for example, expose shared secrets in 
> logs) 
< 9.5.1 Server Side Connections
> TACACS+ servers MUST allow a dedicated secret key to be defined for each 
> client, 
< TACACS+ server implementations MUST allow the definition of individual 
clients, and the servers MUST only accept network connection attempts from 
these defined, known clients.
> TACACS+ servers SHOULD warn administrators if secret keys are not unique per 
> client.
< If an invalid shared secret is detected on a connection, TACACS+ server 
implementations MUST NOT accept any new sessions on that connection. TACACS+ 
servers MUST terminate the connection on completion of any sessions that were 
previously established with a valid shared secret on that connection.
> TACACS+ server administrators SHOULD always define a secret for each client.
< When a client secret is defined, TACACS+ Server implementations MUST not use 
the TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG option when processing connections from that 
> TACACS+ servers and clients MUST support shared keys that are at least 32 
> characters long. 
< 9.5.2 Shared Secrets
> TACACS+ clients SHOULD NOT allow servers to be configured without shared 
> secret key, or shared key that is less than 16 characters long.
> TACACS+ server administrators SHOULD configure secret keys of minimum 16 
> characters length.
> TACACS+ server administrators SHOULD change secret keys at regular intervals.
> 9.5.3 Connections
< TACACS+ Server and client implementations MUST treat secrets as sensitive 
data to be managed securely.
> TACACS+ servers MUST allow the definition of individual clients. The servers 
> MUST only accept network connection attempts from these defined, known 
> clients.
< TACACS+ Server implementations MUST allow a dedicated secret key to be 
defined for each client, and the servers SHOULD warn administrators if secret 
keys are not unique per client.
> TACACS+ servers MUST reject connections with TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG set, 
> when there is a shared secret set on the server for the client requesting the 
> connection.
< TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD always define a secret for 
each client.
> If an invalid shared secret is detected when processing packets for a client, 
> TACACS+ servers MUST NOT accept any new sessions on that connection. TACACS+ 
> servers MUST terminate the connection on completion of any sessions that were 
> previously established with a valid shared secret on that connection.
< TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD use secret keys of minimum 16 
characters length.
> TACACS+ clients MUST NOT set TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG when a secret is 
> defined. Clients MUST be implemented in a way that requires explicit 
> configuration to enable the use of TAC_PLUS_UNENCRYPTED_FLAG.
< TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD change secret keys at regular 
> In the following cases:
>  - Packet received from the server configured with shared key, but with 
>  - Packet received from the server configured not to use obfuscation but with 
> TACACS+ clients MUST close TCP session, stop all further processing of the 
> packet data and process the response in the same way that a 
> TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_STATUS_FAIL (authentication sessions) or 
> TAC_PLUS_AUTHOR_STATUS_FAIL (authorization sessions) was received 
< 9.5.3 Authentication
> 9.5.4 Authentication
< TACACS+ server implementations MUST allow the administrator to mandate that 
only challenge/response options will be accepted for authentication 
> TACACS+ servers MUST allow the administrator to configure the server to only 
> accept challenge/response options for authentication 
> TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_MSCHAPV2 for authen_type).
< TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD use the option mentioned in 
the previous paragraph. TACACS+ Server deployments SHOULD ONLY use other 
unavoidable due to requirements of identity/password systems.
> TACACS+ server administrators SHOULD enable the option mentioned in the 
> previous paragraph. TACACS+ Server deployments SHOULD ONLY enable other 
> unavoidable due to requirements of identity/password systems.
the original draft SHOULD not be used, due to their security implications. 
TACACS+ server implementations SHOULD deprecate them, if they are not 
deprecated, the implementations MUST default to the options being disabled and 
MUST warn the user of their security impact if they are enabled.
> TACACS+ server administrators MUST NOT allow the same credentials to be 
> applied in challenge-based (TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_TYPE_CHAP or 
> challenge-based authen_type options as the insecurity of the latter will 
> compromise the security of the former.
< 9.5.4 Authorization
> the original draft SHOULD not be used, due to their security implications. 
> TACACS+ servers SHOULD NOT implement them. If they must be implemented, the 
> servers MUST default to the options being disabled and MUST warn the 
> administrator that these options are not secure.
< The authorization and accounting features are intended to provide 
extensibility and flexibility. There is a base dictionary defined in this 
document, but is may be extended in deployments by using new attribute names. 
The cost of the flexibility is that administrators and implementors MUST ensure 
that the attribute and value pairs shared between the clients and servers have 
consistent interpretation. 
> 9.5.4 Authorizatio
< If a client implementation receives receiving a mandatory authorization 
attribute that its implementation does not define, then it SHOULD behave as if 
> The authorization and accounting features are intended to provide 
> extensibility and flexibility. There is a base dictionary defined in this 
> document, but it may be extended in deployments by using new attribute names. 
> The cost of the flexibility is that administrators and implementors MUST 
> ensure that the attribute and value pairs shared between the clients and 
> servers have consistent interpretation. 
< TACACS+ server deployment administrators SHOULD mandate that TACACS+ 
authentication was used when processing authorization requests (i.e. 
authen_method value is set to TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_METH_TACACSPLUS).
> TACACS+ clients that receive an unrecognised mandatory attribute MUST 
> evaluate server response as if they received TAC_PLUS_AUTHOR_STATUS_FAIL.
< The original draft described a redirection mechanism 
(TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_STATUS_FOLLOW). This feature is difficult to secure. The the 
option to send secret keys in the server list is particularly problematic.
> The original draft described a redirection mechanism 
> (TAC_PLUS_AUTHEN_STATUS_FOLLOW). This feature is difficult to secure. The 
> option to send secret keys in the server list is particularly insecure, as it 
> can reveal client shared secrets.
< TACACS+ server implementations SHOULD deprecate the redirection mechanism.
> TACACS+ servers SHOULD deprecate the redirection mechanism.
< TACACS+ server implementations MUST warn deployment administrators of the 
security implications if the option to send the secret keys in the server list 
is configured.
> If the redirection mechanism is implemented then TACACS+ servers MUST disable 
> it by default, and MUST warn TACACS+ server administrators that it must only 
> be enabled within a secure deployment due to the risks of revealing shared 
> secrets.
< TACACS+ client implementations SHOULD deprecate this feature by treating 
> TACACS+ clients SHOULD deprecate this feature by treating 
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