On Jun 5, 2020, at 06:12, SAMIER BARGUIL GIRALDO 

Dear OPSAWG colleagues,

I've updated the pull request https://github.com/IETF-OPSAWG-WG/l3nm/pull/118 
according to the last discussion.

The main changes includes:

  *   Common grouping for status at VPN-Service, VPN-Node and 

                 +--rw status
                 |  +--rw admin-status?   identityref
                 |  +--ro oper-status
                 |     +--ro status?      identityref
                 |     +--ro timestamp?   yang:date-and-time

  *   Set of identities for:
     *   Operational and Administrative status.

Not sure you needed testing per se (I was just citing it as an example).  Plus, 
your description for it still points to UNKNOWN.  That said, I think this works 
better overall.

As for the module itself, I personally think a “common” name suits it better 
than “types” because of the additional groupings.


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