On Nov 15, 2023, at 1:33 AM, Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca> wrote:

> Hi, the three PCAP I-Ds have been stable for sometime now.


> draft-ietf-opsawg-pcaplinktype - Standards Track to create Registry

Presumably the registry will contain more information than is in that I-D, or 
links to more information, as what's in the I-D is insufficient to describe the 
formats of packets for many LINKTYPE_ values.

For example, LINKTYPE_LINUX_SLL just says "Linux "cooked" capture 
encapsulation", but does not indicate what that is; the entry for it on the 
tcpdump.org link-layer header types page at


has a link to a description of the format.

For another example, LINKTYPE_NULL just says "BSD loopback encapsulation", but 
does not indicate what that is; the entry for it on the tcpdump.org link-layer 
header types page says

        BSD loopback encapsulation; the link layer header is a 4-byte field, in 
host byte order, containing a value of 2 for IPv4 packets, a value of either 
24, 28, or 30 for IPv6 packets, a value of 7 for OSI packets, or a value of 23 
for IPX packets. All of the IPv6 values correspond to IPv6 packets; code 
reading files should check for all of them.

        Note that ``host byte order'' is the byte order of the machine on that 
the packets are captured; if a live capture is being done, ``host byte order'' 
is the byte order of the machine capturing the packets, but if a ``savefile'' 
is being read, the byte order is not necessarily that of the machine reading 
the capture file.
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