Dear OPSAWG members,

this email starts a call for Working Group Adoption of

ending on Thursday, May 2nd.

As a reminder, this I-D summarizes how the term "Operations, Administration, and Maintenance" (OAM) is used currently & historically in the IETF and intends to consolidate unambiguous and protocol agnostic terminology for OAM. The summary includes descriptions of narrower semantics introduced by added qualifications the term OAM and a list of common capabilities that can be found in nodes processing OAM packets.

The chairs acknowledge a positive poll result at IETF119, but there has not been much discussion on the list yet. We would like to gather feedback from the WG if there is interest to further contribute and review. As a potential enabler for discussions, this call will last three weeks.

Please reply with your support and especially any substantive comments you may have.

For the OPSAWG co-chairs,


OPSAWG mailing list

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