Le Wed, 25 Aug 2010 18:49:12 +0200,
Olaf Selke <olaf.se...@blutmagie.de> a écrit :

> Am 25.08.2010 12:35, schrieb Karsten Loesing:
> > 
> > On 8/25/10 12:10 PM, Olaf Selke wrote:
> >> blutmagie Tor network status site apparently displays incorrect
> >> bandwidth values for all nodes running version Unlike
> >> other tns sites blutmagie calculated bw as an average from the
> >> extra-info data instead of using the bw peak value.
> [...]
> > This might be related to:
> > 
> > Changes in version - 2010-08-18
> >     - Relays report the number of bytes spent on answering directory
> >       requests in extra-info descriptors similar to
> > {read,write}-history. Implements enhancement 1790.
> > 
> > There are now two new lines "dirreq-read-history ..." and
> > "dirreq-write-history ..." containing the bytes spent on the dir
> > protocol. Maybe TNS greps for "read-history" and not "^read-history"
> > when parsing descriptors?
> yes exactly!
> And cause the dirreq-history data lines are displayed behind the
> ordinary read/write history data, the script summed up the dirreq
> bandwidth. Thus blutmagie tns mistakenly displayed the (correct)
> directory request bandwidth for all nodes. This is fixed now.
> regards Olaf
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hi Olaf,

Thanks to have fixed it ! i comfirm that is fixed for me :D

have a great day .

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