Title: RE: Extents size.

There might be a document somewhere that explains them, but the way I've learned about those tables is to look at the source code for the dba_ views. Go through those views one by one, and look at the tables behind the views.

-----Original Message-----

This thread has been very interesting and causing me to learn and go read some more.  Which leads me to my next question.  Does anyone have any good papers or urls that will discuss and explain all of the base data dictionary tables: fet$, uet$, etc.? Or anyone have a data model of how all of the tables relate.  I've only been in this long enough to feel comfortable with the data dictionary tables and v$views and have never delved into learning about the base tables, maybe it's time I do some serious studying. If anyone can point me into the right direction as far as learning this topic, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks. Ivan

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