Title: RE: Install Oracle 8i on Windows XP?

Mr. Pierce - the only ad hominem attacks I saw were from you. Someone posted "Don't use Windows", a generic disparagement of the operating system. You immediately responded with a personal insult calling the person an asshole.

You then followed it up with a post asserting the cultural superiority of Americans and Israelis over the rest of the world.

I suggest that you refrain from personal insults and from political diatribes.

> -----Original Message-----
> from a private message:
> | Suggestion: make it clear to the elitist unix bigots that if they
> | intend to regularly engage in ad hominem attacks and insults that
> | are clearly intended to disrupt the purpose of the list, which
> | would include people discussing oracle technology on windows free
> | of irrelevant b.s., it will be considered a violation of list
> | rules.
> |
> | I delete 98% of posts that are unix/mainframe related, why can't
> | the unix people do the same thing, and simply focus on what they
> | are interested in instead of interfering with other people's
> | conversations?

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