Title: Blank
Load 5-10% of the stuff and see how much it takes .
From this you can calculate.
No formula will give you accurate results, mainly because actual field length vary so much that approximation is useless.
(based on a lot of years checking this)
Yechiel Adar
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 4:18 AM
Subject: Capacity Planning -- Expecting the DB growth !!!

Hello All,

I am currently working on capacity planning of the database , expecting the database size based on the business object ,sales ( Historical data). I am not sure about the approach I am following . I believe there might be some better approach followed in some shop to estimate the DB size , even by considering events like "thanks giving" , "holiday season" and all.

Also I have to automate this process. Would like to know some best suggestions you always have  in this forum. Would you help me in identifying some formulae. Any kind of documentation will be a great help !!!

Thanks in advance,



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