They win either way. Remember I'll finance beer for your class, too...I'm not sure about dancing in your class, though.

The solution is of course that we'll keep partying on Saturday and possible Sunday as well, so you should be able to do both.


Jonathan Lewis wrote:
I've had a semi-official request to do my CBO
class on Friday just after IOUG-A, rather than
collide with their Sunday classes - and now you
want everyone to go to your house for beer
instead !  If I don't get a good audience I shall
be blaming you.


Jonathan Lewis

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Cost Based Optimisation
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-----Original Message-----
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10 January 2003 23:34

I love it. I'm just really sad I can't be at IOUG-A. Here's another
idea: Why don't you all come to my 42nd birthday, which we'll
on May 2nd (a Friday) here in Maaloev, Denmark? You're all welcome,
we'll find ways to let you sleep either in the Garage (our HQ) or my
house. Then we'll do some cool presentations in the afternoon and
celebrate in the evening.

Let me know when you planes land in Copenhagen airport and I'll pick
you up.



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