On Apr 19, 2014, at 12:17 PM, Dave Mitchell wrote:

An amusing note - I actually had an artist who was actively working with that mixture on a model tell me that if you have to glue a modular model
together it is not origami.  I laughed out loud ...

Oddly (or amusingly??) I have to agree with your artist. To me a modular design is one that is self-integrating. If you glue it together then this essential element of what modular means (in origami) is lost. Technically I would then consider it a glued multi- piece arrangement rather than a modular assembly.

You have only quoted a part of what I believe John was trying to say.
I think John's point is that a folder he was talking to said one should not use glue when doing origami yet he/she was using a mixture of methyl cellulose on a model. Methyl cel is paste.

I have, too,  have chuckled at this contradiction.
leslie c

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