David Mitchell " To me a modular design is one that is self-integrating. If
you glue it together (snip) I would then consider it a glued multi-piece
arrangement rather than a modular assembly."

I'm in a half-way house on this one.
If the model *requires* to be glued together, then I find it far less
satisfactory and I'm unlikely to fold it. Each module is still a folded item
(albeit a fairly abstract and pointless one). I prefer models that hold
together without glue, but I'll still glue the ones that only just hold
together if I reckon that I'll have it on display where people will pick it

But I'm a little puzzled by John's assertion that you have to glue Electra.
Electra has an internal overlap that makes it pretty strong. I know that
many people fold Electra as though it were a bird base (i.e. edge to the
centre) but that's not what is actually diagrammed.


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