Hello Olav,

Just a short reply right now:

To enable the oracle.xml database-schema file, add this to your


so it will look something like:

          name = ...
          schema = "database-schemas/oracle.xml"

You can also specify your mappings between a bean and a table and between a
bean field and a column in orion-ejb-jar.xml

Karl Avedal

Olav Rabe wrote:

> Hi,
> I just tried to deploy an application, which was developed for J2EE-RI
> on the orion server.
> DB connection seems to be all right, but when starting orion I get the
> following messages:
> D:\ntapps\orion>java -jar orion.jar
> Auto-unpacking
> f:\projects\dohmen\prototype\4soft-core\dev\app\FooBarApp.ear... done
> Auto-deploying FooBarApp...
> Auto-deploying FooBarEntities.jar...
> Auto-creating table: create table HomeDescriptor (homeId integer not
> null primary key, remoteClassName varchar (255) nul
> l, jndiName varchar (255) null, nextNumber integer null, homeClassName
> varchar (255) null, resourceRefName varchar (255)
>  null, tableName varchar (255) null)
> Auto-creating table: create table FeatureA (primaryKey varchar (255) not
> null primary key, lifeState integer null, a var
> char (255) null, featureName varchar (255) null, mandatory bit)
> Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00902: Ungultiger Datentyp
> Auto-creating table: create table BarEntity (primaryKey varchar (255)
> not null primary key, lifeState integer null, b bi
> t, name varchar (255) null, i integer null)
> Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00902: Ungultiger Datentyp
> Auto-creating table: create table FeatureB (primaryKey varchar (255) not
> null primary key, featureName varchar (255) nul
> l, mandatory bit, lifeState integer null, b varchar (255) null, a
> varchar (255) null)
> Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00902: Ungultiger Datentyp
> Auto-creating table: create table FooEntity (primaryKey varchar (255)
> not null primary key, lifeState integer null, b bi
> t, name varchar (255) null, i integer null)
> Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00902: Ungultiger Datentyp
> done.
> How can I customize the table mappings, type mappings, etc? I changed
> the oracle.xml and relaced "bit" by "smallint", but it didn't work. I
> suspect that orion didn't use this schema file at all.
> Any suggestions how to handcraft the orion part of the deployment
> descriptor? Auto-deployment looks good for the first time, but usually I
> want to explicitly modify the deployment descriptor.
> Thanks a lot,
> Olav

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