
I just tried to deploy an application, which was developed for J2EE-RI
on the orion server.
DB connection seems to be all right, but when starting orion I get the
following messages:

D:\ntapps\orion>java -jar orion.jar
f:\projects\dohmen\prototype\4soft-core\dev\app\FooBarApp.ear... done
Auto-deploying FooBarApp...
Auto-deploying FooBarEntities.jar...
Auto-creating table: create table HomeDescriptor (homeId integer not
null primary key, remoteClassName varchar (255) nul
l, jndiName varchar (255) null, nextNumber integer null, homeClassName
varchar (255) null, resourceRefName varchar (255)
 null, tableName varchar (255) null)

Auto-creating table: create table FeatureA (primaryKey varchar (255) not
null primary key, lifeState integer null, a var
char (255) null, featureName varchar (255) null, mandatory bit)
Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00902: Ungultiger Datentyp

Auto-creating table: create table BarEntity (primaryKey varchar (255)
not null primary key, lifeState integer null, b bi
t, name varchar (255) null, i integer null)
Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00902: Ungultiger Datentyp

Auto-creating table: create table FeatureB (primaryKey varchar (255) not
null primary key, featureName varchar (255) nul
l, mandatory bit, lifeState integer null, b varchar (255) null, a
varchar (255) null)
Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00902: Ungultiger Datentyp

Auto-creating table: create table FooEntity (primaryKey varchar (255)
not null primary key, lifeState integer null, b bi
t, name varchar (255) null, i integer null)
Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00902: Ungultiger Datentyp


How can I customize the table mappings, type mappings, etc? I changed
the oracle.xml and relaced "bit" by "smallint", but it didn't work. I
suspect that orion didn't use this schema file at all.
Any suggestions how to handcraft the orion part of the deployment
descriptor? Auto-deployment looks good for the first time, but usually I
want to explicitly modify the deployment descriptor.

Thanks a lot,

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