Thanks Karl,

now the auto-deployment was successfull and the tables have been created. What
Please picture that I already have an application which I deployed under
J2EE-RI, so I do have the .ear file, which contains the ejb-jar file, which, in
turn contains the ejb-jar.xml. The ejb-jar.xml is supposed to be container
independent. I also have an application.xml, which resides in the META-INF
directory of the .ear-file. The auto-deployment created orion-application.xml
(As I didn't specify any security roles yet, I suppose that I don't have to
change anything) and inside the ejb-jar file an orion-ejb-jar.xml file, which
specifies cmp-field/column-name mapping, table names etc. So I guess, when I
want to change the table names for instance I simply modify this generated file
and restart the orion server, right?

But there's one thing I don't understand:
Where do I specify the JNDI names for my beans and their ejb-refs?
When working with the J2EE-RI everything was specified in sun-j2ee-ri.xml
Now I suspect that maybe application-client.xml would be the right choice, but
I have absolutly no idea where to put this a file. Does it have to be in a
META-INF directory of any CLASSPATH root that I use for the client? Or do I
HAVE to package the client in a jar file before I can use it. If this
application-client.xml is only visible to clients, where do the EJBs get the
information about the JNDI names of referenced EJBs?

Thanks in advance,

Karl Avedal wrote:

> Hello Olav,
> Just a short reply right now:
> To enable the oracle.xml database-schema file, add this to your
> <data-source>-tag:
> schema="database-schemas/oracle.xml"
> so it will look something like:
> <data-source
>           name = ...
>           schema = "database-schemas/oracle.xml"
> />
> You can also specify your mappings between a bean and a table and between a
> bean field and a column in orion-ejb-jar.xml

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