I had a few questions I was hoping someone could answer.  I posted these a
few weeks ago but got no response.  I'm not sure it made it to the list.

1.)  In the FAQ it mentions that Orion supports JSP and Servlet clustering
but I haven't seen much documentation on it.  How is the session information
replicated?  Are there multiple methods of replication?  Do you have control
over the replication?  Any performance issues one should be aware of?

2.)  How soon do you expect EJB clustering to be available?

3.) In a medium-to-large-scale web application you need the ability to
monitor server load and request-response-times in order to know when to add
more servers and where bottlenecks are (e.g. which types of requests).
Does/will Orion support anything like this?

4.) How do you use XSL or XSLT with Orion?

5.) Transparent support of WAP is mentioned (via XML jsp's and XSLT).  WAP
doesn't support cookies, does it?   I assume you have to write your app to
use URL rewriting (and manually wrap all URLs in your JSP's with

6.) How do you use the O/R mapping mentioned recently?

7.) I know you guys are really busy coding but is any work being done on a
full-fledged user manual?  I really like Orion and feel it's an awesome
server however the lack of documentation is still a major weakness.  I know
there are lots of things that Orion can do for me that I'm not using simply
because I don't know it's there or don't know how to use it.

Thank you,
Brien Voorhees

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