I have been monitoring this list for a while and have not had time to try
out Orion yet.  Well I found that I had a half hour so I jumped in and tried
to set up the ejb demo that comes with it.  I noticed many posts about how
it doesn't work.  Well I am having problems also.  I followed the
instructions and get the following error:
Error initializing server: ConnectionDataSource driver
'connect.microsoft.MicrosoftDriver' not found

Well I placed my jar file in orion/lib just like the install.txt said to
do...  What now.

Also, here is possibly a stupid question...  I could not find in the
install.txt what the database should look like (tables and columns).  Does
this not hit a db?  If not, why do we need a datasource?

There was a post earlier by Karl Avedal who I assume is part of the Orion
team that said to expect the GUI tools very soon with BIG enhancements.
When is very soon and what will the GUI tools help with?  Will the tools
help me with this?  From the other posts that I see, the GUI tools should
not be a replacement from real documentation.  The GUI tools should help us
out a bunch, but we still need to know about the configuration.  So far, I
see a lot of answers to posts from (I assume) the Orion team with answers
that I do not see in the sorry excuse for documentation text files.

Why should you expect us to pay, even though very inexpensive compared to
others, when we do not get good documentation.  There should not be a single
configuration/feature/whatever that is not documented.

I know I am not the first to ask for this and will not be the last, but why
aren't you (Orion) listening?  I will be glad to fork over $1500 to you even
without GUI tools if I could get some decent documentation.

What do I mean:
1. A getting started that holds my hand and walks through every step (and
make sure each step works) of your examples leaving nothing for assumption.
2. Documentation on what each element means and why we would use it and what
it will do.  Your xml.html files start, but expand on them.
3. A full reference of what your server can do and how to do them (not hand
holding here, more advanced).  Example is the earlier post if isModified().
I found that my EJB container provider has the same thing, but a different
method name (actually they let us name the method).  I could not find this
in your docs anywhere, but could in my container docs and it is free.

I know I am not the only one who feels this way by the post I see and I
don't have the time to devote to this if the simple demo does not even work.
I am sure the demo works fine, but the instructions are obviously not clear
enough or I wouldn't be the only one having problems.


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