Magnus or Karl,

I am not sure, but does Orion not read in the web.xml <servlet-mapping> tag?
I had it in there before and it wasn't working. And another person is having
the same problem now. I notice it is in the orion-web.xml file, but that
isn't exactly portable to other apps. Sorry if it works and I haven't seen

By the way, Magnus, remember my old getServletPath() problem. Well, I think
(thanks to Craig on the JSP-INTEREST group) the reason I might have been
getting null is because I wasn't calling super.init(config) in the init()
method of the servlet. Do you think that would be the reason? I can't test
it right the middle of major fixes to our site, but it seems
plausible. Also, if this is the case, when I have action="" coming
from somepage.jsp, will getRequestURI return somepage.jsp and
getServletPath() returns I would like a way to always get the
actual JSP page the form request is coming from as well as the request
action name.


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