Karl Avedal wrote:

> Hello Eric,
> Eric Richardson wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We are evaluating orion for an internal app and our overall opinion is
> > thumbs up.
> > 1. it is really j2ee compliant
> > 2. stable
> > 3. good performance
> > 4. not expensive
> >
> Thank you!
> >
> > If you are using internal or selling there is a risk of course.
> > 1. small company
> > 2. not open source-you can't fix problems yourself(not too many
> > opensource alternatives)
> A brief comment on 2:
> There will be very hard to find any full J2EE implementations that are
> Open Source, since Sun actually forbids us from publishing the source.
> They claim that any J2EE implemetation, even if it's not based on any
> Sun source code uses their intellectual property and can only be shipped
> to J2EE licensees. Theoretically it could be possible to get it
> published under the Sun Community Source Licensing, but that means even
> bigger problems.

I guess I was thinking of the ObjectWeb project. I don't know what
arrangement they
have with Sun but I think they are a long way off-perhaps a year.

> Regards,
> Karl Avedal

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