That is exactly what I wanted to see.  

Are you also using ssl?



At 03:11 AM 8/20/00 +1000, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:
>I'm sorry I have to strongly disagree here.
>I've been using Orion in a production environment VERY heavily using EJBs,
>JMS and web frontend and have had next to no problems at all.
>Support is as quick as can be expected - have you ever tried to get M$
>support? Oracle? Sun? It's worse trust me.
>The docs are improving and I don't use the deployment tools so I can't speak
>for those, but in terms of 'enterprise readiness' Orion is already there.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cory Adams
>> Sent: Sunday, 20 August 2000 12:45
>> To: Orion-Interest
>> Subject: Re: POLL: what are you missing in apache-like functionality?
>> Actually I'm looking heavily at Pramati.  It costs more but has an
>> integrated development environment for developing and deploying.
>> The email
>> support is really good as well.  The added cost benefit goes a long way to
>> getting a development shop up and running quickly.
>> They also give a one month eval with email support.
>> The thing that spooks me the most about Orion is of course the
>> lack of docs
>> but also some of the posts that I read on this list with regard to some of
>> the more serious problems that I see people encountering.
>> Orion looks like it could be great for servlets and maybe simple ejb
>> deployments but I'm not sure that the docs, deployment tools and the
>> overall package is ready for me to put into a production environment?
>> Does anybody else have any experience with these guys?
>> Thanks?
>> Cory
>> At 01:31 PM 8/19/00 +0200, Robert Krueger wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >I was just getting curious how many of you fellow orion users out there
>> >have thought: "wow, what a great server, if only it had this feature xyz
>> >that I heavily used with apache".
>> >
>> >now to get things a little organized and maybe help evermind get
>> a better
>> >picture of what their users would like I thought I'd start a
>> little poll.
>> >maybe some of these things are so easy to implement that they
>> will listen.
>> >let's give it a try.
>> >
>> >Poll Question: What apache (or other webserver) core or module
>> >functionality are you missing most in your daily work with orion?
>> >
>> >I'll start (ordered by importance):
>> >
>> >1. mod_rewrite  (just so simple and powerful, you can do almost anything
>> >with it)
>> >2. mod_expires  (absolute necessity to tweak the behaviour of
>> high volume
>> >websites in terms of performance and correctness especially with
>> all those
>> >proxies around)
>> >
>> >btw. if anyone has implemented stuff like that as filters and
>> you're ready
>> >to share, it would be great if we could have a contrib area
>> either at the
>> >orion or the orionsupport site.
>> >
>> >robert
>> >(-) Robert Krüger
>> >(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
>> >(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
>> >(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373
>> >
>> >
>> >

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