Have you ever had a look at the new JRun 3.0 manuals? Quite commendable, and
a good example of what can be done on top of the specs.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph B. Ottinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sonntag, 20. August 2000 19:04
Subject: RE: POLL: what are you missing in apache-like functionality?

>To the list manager: PLEASE set reply-to to the list address!
>On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Gavin Thomas Nicol wrote:
>> > We don't need to waste time asking for non-j2ee functionality (like
>> > "simple basic auth" sounds, to me, considering that the list has had
>> > working directions for "simple basic auth" a day or two ago that work)
>> > capabilities it already has (like PHP and CGI support).
>> Sure, but setting up "basic auth" is
>>   a) Not documented well.
>I agree, but I'm loathe to just blame Evermind for this. Have you seen the
>J2EE specs? They detail the way it's supposed to be. Are they clear? Well,
>no, not really... but they ARE the Orion documentation, more or less, and
>what peopel are clamoring for is for Orion to document the specs, but
>clearly. Orion doesn't really differ from the J2EE spec, that's one of the
>reasons it excels - if you know the spec, you can use Orion. (OTOH, if you
>know the spec, you still have to know JRunisms, or Weblogic-isms, or
>whatever, due to wavering compliance.) This is a J2EE problem, not an
>Evermind problem.
>Do I wish Orion had better docs? Better believe it. Do I think it NEEDS
>better docs? Absolutely. Do I demand it get better docs? Well, uh, yeah -
>and I'm too unlazy to sit around on my butt waiting for them. So, when I
>have time and need, I'm writing my own. The goal for me is to have
>Orionsupport be *the* app - I'm trying to work in RDMS-based user auth, it
>already has entity beans, I woudln't mind session beans
>(difficulty: orionsupport doesn't really use states... really a simple
>app) and if I can work out a need for JMS and SSL, I'll put those in
>too. I want to establish a need for ALL these technologies, so I can work
>out real cases for them and show how they're used. Ernst has done so; I
>plan on exceeding his efforts.
>I'm not an open-source guy by a long shot, although I have open projects -
>but I *do* believe in synergy of groups.
>>   b) Certainly not as easy as it should be.
>No doubt, but ... refer to the spec. Evermind does have a priority on
>docs, but the documentation has a num,ber of difficulties to work with
>that other servers don't - Orion has a goal of being ahead of the pack
>technologically, and since the drafts change all the time, Orion changes
>WITH them. (Did you know Orion supports EJB 2.0? Did you know there *was*
>an EJB 2.0?) That's one of the reasons the specs are used as documentation
>at the moment - Orion tracks them as they're coming out. Out-of-date docs
>aren't much better than no docs at all.
>Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo      HOMES.COM Developer

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