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On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Gavin Thomas Nicol wrote:

> > We don't need to waste time asking for non-j2ee functionality (like
> > "simple basic auth" sounds, to me, considering that the list has had
> > working directions for "simple basic auth" a day or two ago that work) or
> > capabilities it already has (like PHP and CGI support).
> Sure, but setting up "basic auth" is
>   a) Not documented well.

I agree, but I'm loathe to just blame Evermind for this. Have you seen the
J2EE specs? They detail the way it's supposed to be. Are they clear? Well,
no, not really... but they ARE the Orion documentation, more or less, and
what peopel are clamoring for is for Orion to document the specs, but
clearly. Orion doesn't really differ from the J2EE spec, that's one of the
reasons it excels - if you know the spec, you can use Orion. (OTOH, if you
know the spec, you still have to know JRunisms, or Weblogic-isms, or
whatever, due to wavering compliance.) This is a J2EE problem, not an
Evermind problem.

Do I wish Orion had better docs? Better believe it. Do I think it NEEDS
better docs? Absolutely. Do I demand it get better docs? Well, uh, yeah -
and I'm too unlazy to sit around on my butt waiting for them. So, when I
have time and need, I'm writing my own. The goal for me is to have
Orionsupport be *the* app - I'm trying to work in RDMS-based user auth, it
already has entity beans, I woudln't mind session beans
(difficulty: orionsupport doesn't really use states... really a simple
app) and if I can work out a need for JMS and SSL, I'll put those in
too. I want to establish a need for ALL these technologies, so I can work
out real cases for them and show how they're used. Ernst has done so; I
plan on exceeding his efforts.

I'm not an open-source guy by a long shot, although I have open projects -
but I *do* believe in synergy of groups.

>   b) Certainly not as easy as it should be.

No doubt, but ... refer to the spec. Evermind does have a priority on
docs, but the documentation has a num,ber of difficulties to work with
that other servers don't - Orion has a goal of being ahead of the pack
technologically, and since the drafts change all the time, Orion changes
WITH them. (Did you know Orion supports EJB 2.0? Did you know there *was*
an EJB 2.0?) That's one of the reasons the specs are used as documentation
at the moment - Orion tracks them as they're coming out. Out-of-date docs
aren't much better than no docs at all.

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]      HOMES.COM Developer

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