On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Simon Salykov wrote:
> Hi!
> We are now deploying our applications using EJB 2.0 draft specification.
> We've discovered some bugs with dependents implementation (such as
> deployment fail on application with dependent containing cmp fields that
> must be serialized). Also all bugs discovered in EJB 1.1 implementation
> presents in EJB 2.0. But in general it works. What did you mean "Orion
> doesn't seem to handle correctly relationship between two CMP Entity, either
> with one to many or many to many relationship" ?
Here is the description of my test. I want to create 2 entity
beans Campaign and MediaPlan. The relationship is one to many (a campaign
may contain several mediaplans but a mediaplan belongs to only one
campaign). Here is an extract from my ejb-jar:
Now when orion deploys it creates table that are IMHO uncessarly complex:
Auto-creating table: create table Campaign (id NUMBER not null primary
key, name VARCHAR2(255) null, creation_date DATE null, start_date DATE
Auto-creating table: create table Campaign_mediaplans (id NUMBER not null,
value NUMBER null)
Auto-creating table: create table MediaPlan (mediaplanid NUMBER not null
primary key, name VARCHAR2(255) null, descr VARCHAR2(255) null, campaign
NUMBER null)
The join table Campaign_mediaplans is not necessary ...
then when I create a new mediaplan with campaign = 1 for example, it
works. But if I load the bean Campaign = 1 and I ask for the list of media
plans, the result is empty ... The table Campaign_mediaplans is empty
after the beans creation.
I'm not sure if I'm wrong or if it's an Orion problem, the EJB 2 draft is
not very clear to me.
Yann Doussot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Grey Interactive - France - http://www.gifrance.com/