Hi Kimberly,

Not sure if you noticed this already, but the link is actually
http://www.orionserver.com/tutorials/tools/.  First time I've seen it
though -- looks useful.  Kudos Orion team.


Darren Gibbons                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenRoad Communications                               ph: 604.681.0516
Internet Application Development                     fax: 604.681.0916
Vancouver, B.C.                                 http://www.openroad.ca

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: August 31, 2000 6:46 PM
> To:   Orion-Interest
> Subject:      Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page
> Hiya,
> I've been using Java for some time (but not J2EE) and have some
> 25+ years IT experience, so being a newbie is a bit of new
> experience... :-)
> I've downloaded just about everything relating to Orion I can for
> study. On the front page of the Orion home site there is a link
> to some stuff I would like to read, but unfortunately it leads to
> a "Sorry, page not found" page. The link is:
> http://www.orionserver.com/toolstut/
> and is pointed to by the "New tools tutorial available" and "...
> the GUI Tools tutorial". Any ideas on this anybody?
> One last note. My newbie question:
> I'm currently trapped in a M$ shop using W2K and asp. I've been
> given a green light (after much debate) to move towards Java and
> J2EE. I can't use Linux or Solaris unfortunately as that would be
> pushing the envelope a bit too much... :-) In any case, has
> anybody gone through this process with Orion before? My reason
> for asking is that I have two Rack Compaqs running the Web-End
> load balanced off an Intel load balancer, with a SQL7 Cluster at
> the back end in a "lights-out" environment. The web site is using
> the absolute minimum of Site Server Commerce Edition I could get
> away with. This raises the question of how entity beans running
> on the web-end communicate so as to avoid two beans (one on each
> box) representing the same row in the database. It's probably old
> hat to you guys, but I'm drowning in books at present and I can't
> seem to find that specific answer.
> Kimbo
> Ms Kimberley Scott
> Senior Web Developer
> Peakhour Pty Ltd
> http://smartoffice.com.au     <<- my site
> http://peakhour.com.au                <<- company site


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