That's great. What are they using as a load balancer front end? We're
looking to deploy a 3 node cluster in production in a few weeks and want
to make sure our proposed setup will work for us.

Joel Shellman
Chief Software Architect
The virally-driven B2B marketplace for outsourcing projects

> "Holmes, George (TWIi London)" wrote:
> Hi,
> A couple of my colleagues were involved in re-developing an events
> site (30 million page impressions/day for each day of a 4 day event)
> from NT4/ASP to NT4/JSP/EJB.  They used Orion as the apps server and
> found that the best way forward was to run each (there were twelve in
> total) webserver as a joint web-server/apps-server.  Their, and my own
> experience, is that Orion is quite ready for the fully distributed,
> highly available environment.
> Orion is a great product, and I am sure that the current issues will
> be ironed out shortly.  For me, Orion boils down to being realistic -
> do I really want to get all philosophical and make everything
> distributed to the nth degree, or can I afford to wait (and we're
> probably talking a matter of months here, I guess) for the full
> distributable/highly available version?

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