Title: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page


A couple of my colleagues were involved in re-developing an events site (30 million page impressions/day for each day of a 4 day event) from NT4/ASP to NT4/JSP/EJB.  They used Orion as the apps server and found that the best way forward was to run each (there were twelve in total) webserver as a joint web-server/apps-server.  Their, and my own experience, is that Orion is quite ready for the fully distributed, highly available environment.

Orion is a great product, and I am sure that the current issues will be ironed out shortly.  For me, Orion boils down to being realistic - do I really want to get all philosophical and make everything distributed to the nth degree, or can I afford to wait (and we're probably talking a matter of months here, I guess) for the full distributable/highly available version?



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     -----Original Message-----
    From:   Kevin Duffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Sent:   Friday, September 01, 2000 2:37 AM
    To:     Orion-Interest
    Subject:        RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page


    I have been given the green light here to move ahead with Orion deployment as well. Although we are not as sophisticated a setup as you, we will be moving in that direction shortly. We are moving ahead with Orion while we evaluate WebLogic and iPlanet to see if we want to pay those outrageous amounts of money for offering not quite as much as Orion does. However, I have seen very little problems with most areas of Orion. I have heard from some friends using it though that the EJB stuff has problems in various areas. What exactly, I don't know. I have also heard of some success stories in this list as well. I think one of the problems is that because the Orion team does such a good job on fixing problems and providing updates, some of us often go get the latest version. This may prove to cause problems in other areas. This is just a guess. For the most part, I have only seen a few bugs crop up that were new with a bug-fix patch.

    But other than that, Orion is very easy to use, it WORKS, it actually does conform to J2EE specs unlike many infintely more expensive solutions, and I have generally heard great things about it.

    For whats it worth, I would be my company on it over other choices.

       -----Original Message-----
      From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
      Sent:   Thursday, August 31, 2000 6:46 PM
      To:     Orion-Interest
      Subject:        Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page


      I've been using Java for some time (but not J2EE) and have some 25+ years IT experience, so being a newbie is a bit of new experience... :-)

      I've downloaded just about everything relating to Orion I can for study. On the front page of the Orion home site there is a link to some stuff I would like to read, but unfortunately it leads to a "Sorry, page not found" page. The link is:


      and is pointed to by the "New tools tutorial available" and "... the GUI Tools tutorial". Any ideas on this anybody?

      One last note. My newbie question:

      I'm currently trapped in a M$ shop using W2K and asp. I've been given a green light (after much debate) to move towards Java and J2EE. I can't use Linux or Solaris unfortunately as that would be pushing the envelope a bit too much... :-) In any case, has anybody gone through this process with Orion before? My reason for asking is that I have two Rack Compaqs running the Web-End load balanced off an Intel load balancer, with a SQL7 Cluster at the back end in a "lights-out" environment. The web site is using the absolute minimum of Site Server Commerce Edition I could get away with. This raises the question of how entity beans running on the web-end communicate so as to avoid two beans (one on each box) representing the same row in the database. It's probably old hat to you guys, but I'm drowning in books at present and I can't seem to find that specific answer.


      Ms Kimberley Scott
      Senior Web Developer
      Peakhour Pty Ltd
      http://smartoffice.com.au       <<- my site
      http://peakhour.com.au          <<- company site

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